So once again, it has been a long time since my last transmission. When last left you I was about to tell you of my adventure in Sydney and beyond, which is where I will pick up now again.
After leaving Townsville on the 2nd of February, part of our team (Sonya, Seyoung, and myself) went on to Sydney, Australia, meanwhile; Deni and Hanneke went ahead of us to Tarunga, in New Zealand.
I left Townsville for Sydney not exactly sure what was in store. You see I had been the one to plan the first month of the outreach, so I new at least the majority of what would be happening. I have also learned however that part of leadership is delegation and so I had delegated the planning of two weeks in Sydney to Sonya, one of the girls on my team.
For Sonya, Seyoung, and I, Sydney came with a much needed breath of air. We had a bit more time to rest and take in some of the scenery there. Which is indeed beautiful. We were all able to absorb the start of our tour and reflect on how things were going, while also taking the time to really reconnect with the reason we’re doing all this, and thats our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sydney wasn’t just a relaxing time for us though, we also had a great connection on the ground there who was able to get us several bookings with local churches, ywam bases, and even into a k-6 school (we even got to meet with the Hillsongs hills campus church to discuss our ministries and how we can work together). Sonya, Seyoung, and myself each took turns presenting at the different venues. Some nights we even had to split up to cover multiple speaking engagements. For me, being uncerertain of what this time was going to hold for us ministry wise, we were immensly blessed by our local conctact and their hearts for our ministry. Their willingness to drive us from place to place, and their persistence to line up the places for us to speak could not have been matched. God really hooked us up with some great people, whom I hope to reconnect with in future ministry.
We have been having awesome prayer responses at each of the churches and ywam bases that we have spoken at. I’m really excited about the headway we are making in the spirit. We are also seeing young people being engaged at a heart level with this issue, so we are definatly accomplishing some of the goals we set out from Kona with.
On some other notes, Seyoung had a birthday while in Townsville, which we were able to celebrate in real tradition with pizza and ice cream. (oh the memories) And then we celebrated again once more with Hanneke in Sydney shortly before she jetted off to New Zealand. (she had already left Townsville and missed our classy celebration) So we went out to Pancakes on the Rocks for some chocolate pancakes with chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup on them! Pancakes on the Rocks seems to be a semi-annual tradition for us, as we were previously there during our outreach to Australia in July ‘07. Our time in Sydney was definitly blessed.
13 years ago
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